There are 4 decks:
Purpose, Impact, Recources & Culture
1. The Purpose Deck

There are 42 blue cards ​on "purpose"
The flipsides feature surprising, shocking or encouraging facts related to this purpose
The blue cards have subsets, which can be separated by hashtags: #sdg, #humanright, #trending
For exercises, you may use subsets of the Purpose Deck, for example a subset of purposes related to environment, or people
2. The Impact Deck

There are 49 red cards ​on "impact" in the 2022 Edition of the Cards
The flipsides feature inspirational leaders such as Bill Wilson who has created an organisation that is famous for this impact model
The red cards have subsets which can be separated by hashtags: #empowerment, #advocate, #serve, #empower, #innovate and #manipulate
Subsets can be used in specific workshops for example in processes to develop advocacy strategies or new service models
3. The Resource Deck

There are 37 green cards on "resources"
The flipside feature inspirational leaders such as Jessica Jackley and Rajagopal which are famous for a resource model
The green cards have subsets which can be separated by hashtags: #funding, #partner, #people, and #inkind
Subsets can be used in specific workshops for example on fund-raising or partnership models
4. The Culture Deck

There are 7 cards on "culture"
The cards are based on the work on Spiral Dynamics by Beck and Cohen (1986), a model of evolutionary development of individuals, organisations and societies
Each culture is given a color, which represents specific values, and ways of assessing people and on how do do things
The Culture Deck has only two hashtags: #self-oriented and #group-oriented